Author: Loon Haunt Outposts
July 9, 2012
For those who have fished Nechigona Lake from Goose Lake and noticed that this year the Walleyes were not in the channel like years past. The Dawson crew in the photo caught 578 Walleyes in the channel today.
June 10, 2012
This 28 inch Walleye was caught by Ron Weeks, first cast of the trip in the Honey Hole at Goose Lake. Water depth 13 feet and water temp 66 degrees. The group also caught a 26 and 27 inch as well.
June 4, 2012
The outposts are all up and running. Goose Lake is ready for a full camp on Sunday June 10. A couple of happy groups have been and gone.
May 19, 2012
We are at Goose Lake and we are getting our much needed rain (about an inch so far). Fortunately, we got the Crabb crew into Unnamed on Thursday where they are still fishing and smiling in the rain.
May 7, 2012
We drove to Park Rapids to pick up the airplane. The new paint looks great. As you can see we kept the same paint scheme. Bill flew from Park Rapids to Fort Frances to clear customs and then to Selkirk Manitoba to change from wheels to floats.
April 13, 2012
Howey Bay still has ice but this shot of our bay shows only one patch of ice floating out in the middle. We could fly from our base to our lakes now if we had an airplane. There would be no point because it is more than a month until fishing…
March 19, 2012
The temperature outside is 76 F. The picture at left looking from our dock north to the lake. Most of the snow is gone from our yard. The ice is looking very dark. The weather should cool tomorrow. The heat wave was great while it lasted.
March 14, 2012
Red Lake has had very warm and sunny weather for the past week with more on the way. Everyone is talking about a record early break up. It would be great to get some serious rain in what remains of March and April. The water levels are very low. When we left Goose…
February 7, 2012
We are in Fort Frances waiting for the weather to improve so Bill can fly the airplane to Park Rapids, Minnesota, for repairs. The picture was taken yesterday morning at Red Lake. It took one hour to fly to Fort Frances and then all day waiting for weather and dealing with customs to…
January 19, 2012
Winter arrived with a vengeance this week. Up to now we have had mild temperatures and little snow. This morning we had 40 below. The picture at left was taken from the ice in front of Green Airways. Our vehicle is on the side of the road that crosses the lake…