The rice crop is looking good and the machine is almost ready to go. We should be picking in the next 4 or 5 days. The little Volkswagen engine…
Refinishing the tables according to Louise. “The tables are 40 years old so I am not going for perfect but the cards will slide.”
Today, we took a trip down south bay to check on the rice. It looks like a chance for a good crop. We will see what the weather does for…
Louise and Bill have been busy. Louise is refinishing doors and tables and Bill has built new floor boards for the airplane.
It seems every couple of days there is another tree down. At least we now have a serious helipad. The spruce trees are the worst as they have the most…
We are planning to do the Loon Haunt modification to the boats at Nechigona so we crossed the portage to take some measurements of the boats to estimate…