Category: Unnamed Lake
July 18, 2024
Another great week at Unnamed for this crew. They always find a few to write home about. Thanks for the pictures guys, see you next year!!
October 8, 2023
We flew to Unnamed Lake and completed the shut down there. We even managed to cut and split the pile of wood in front of the cabin.
September 6, 2023
The latest pictures from Tim are just in from the August 27- September 3 trip to Unnamed Lake. Lots of great northern pike with several measuring 40+ inches.
June 8, 2023
New solar panels, charge controllers, and inverters installed at Monroe and Unnamed. Now all locations have Inverters for CPAP machines and charging of cell phones/cameras. Poirier and Whitelaw will get new solar panels soon.
September 19, 2021
In the past there were only a few people who knew about the fantastic fishing we have in August and September. With the shortened season this year there is now a whole group of fishermen who now know about the great late season walleye and northern fishing we offer.
September 5, 2021
Unnamed and Monroe Lake continue to produce the big northern pike. There were two 45 inch northern at Monroe, while the group at Unnamed all boated big northerns.
August 29, 2021
Scott D and Scott . fished Unnamed Lake August 22-29. Scott D in one day caught 10 northern over 30 inches. The biggest was 40 inches. The best spot was the bay near the cabin, where each of them caught a 40 incher.
October 10, 2020
Now that the Spruce and Jackpine trees no longer block the sunlight from getting to the ground at Unnamed Lake the underbrush has really taken off. On a positive note it looks like we will have plenty of firewood for the next 20 years.
August 28, 2019
Ryan and Steve put in a good day at Unnamed Lake. Check out the paint job on the new shed.