Category: Poirier Lake
July 16, 2014
Kathy called over from Poirier. The fishing is great but the eagle nest was blown down by the wind yesterday. No sign of the one young eagle that was in the nest or the parents. All is well here at Goose Lake people are still catching fish and the sunsets are still…
June 3, 2014
The fishing is fast and furious. At Goose Lake the action is at the first set of white markers going into the river and Coon Ass point in south bay. Bill visited Howard at Poirier and he is having the best walleye fishing ever and he has made 17 trips with…
September 12, 2013
Scott and Duke, our last guests are in camp. Louise and Bill are getting things ready for winter. At Poirier Lake and the other outposts that means carrying firewood.
July 30, 2013
Ron and Kathy are at Poirier. They ventured out in the rain today for four hours and caught walleye at 24 to 27 feet; 2–23 inch; 1–25.5 inch; 1–26 inch; and 2–27.5 inch. They use a mixture of live minnows and frozen shiners. This year they tied in the big walleye competition…
August 1, 2011
The forest fire situation west of Red Lake has been very bad the last couple of weeks. We are getting a lot of smoke but our outposts are not threatened. Life goes on. The biggest walleye at Poirier Lake last week was 26 inches. At Goose Lake this week, Keith J. caught…
June 15, 2011
The walleye fishing at Goose Lake has been fantastic this spring. Tons of walleyes over 24 inches. We hear about a 27 or 28 incher almost every day. Biggest so far 29 inches. Northerns in the mid thirties but nothing over 40 yet at Goose. Walleye and northern in great numbers at Unnamed…
May 20, 2010
The really great news at Poirier Lake this season is that the eagles are back in the nest next to the cabin.
May 20, 2010
Today, we went to Poirier Lake to get it ready for the the first group. We take the dock to a sheltered bay each fall and remove the anchor pipes. In the spring we return the dock and reinstall the anchor pipes.