Category: Monroe Lake

  • May 19, 2013

    May 19, 2013

    We flew to Monroe Lake and spent all afternoon cutting out the portages to West and U Lakes.  On our return to town, Howey Bay was almost completely free of ice so we are now flying from our own dock.

  • May 17, 2013

    May 17, 2013

    On the way back to town, we landed at Monroe Lake which was almost ice free. We still have to go back to Unnamed to finish clearing the portage. We are not looking forward to the two portages at Monroe.

  • May 15, 2013

    May 15, 2013

    This picture of Monroe Lake was taken today about 5 pm by Dave McLeod. The south end of Monroe is open water and the surrounding lakes are open but the main body of the lake still has ice.

  • September 23, 2012

    September 23, 2012

    We closed down Monroe Lake today. We also cut and hauled three boat loads of firewood for next year. The fire killed trees make great firewood but they are very dirty to work with.

  • August 22, 2012

    August 22, 2012

    Jon and Kathy are back at Monroe Lake and the walleyes are at the dock.

  • June 15, 2011

    June 15, 2011

    The walleye fishing at Goose Lake has been fantastic this spring. Tons of walleyes over 24 inches. We hear about a 27 or 28 incher almost every day. Biggest so far 29 inches.  Northerns in the mid thirties but nothing over 40 yet at Goose. Walleye and northern in great numbers at Unnamed…

  • May 14, 2011

    May 14, 2011

    We flew to Monroe Lake and got it ready for the first guests. This year Monroe Lake gets two new 6 hp Yamaha outboards. On May 15, we flew to Unnamed Lake to get it ready for Matt Crabb and friends.

  • July 30, 2010

    July 30, 2010

    At Monroe Lake, Raymond Hardy caught a 43 inch northern pike.

  • April 30, 2010

    April 30, 2010

    We walked the portages for Monroe and Unnamed cutting out the winter dead falls. All portages are in good shape. The low water levels necessitated paddling the last 100 feet into the portage at Unnamed Lake.

  • April 27, 2010

    April 27, 2010

    April 27, we went to Monroe Lake. Bill had been planning to fix the ramp and the dock as soon as we had lower water levels. After a two-year delay, we finally have the lower levels.