Category: Goose Lake
July 31, 2021
Good news. We received an inch of rain in the past 24 hours. This along with cooler temperatures pretty well assures us of no more fire problems.
July 24, 2021
Smokey and windy today but the smoke is from fires a long way away. Nothing burning close to any of our camps right now. We portaged over to Nechigona Lake and got the ramp and boats back into position for fishermen arriving August 15. We need Ryan to portage the motors. He will…
July 22, 2021
A couple of days of cooler temperatures provided a great chance to get all the reef markers out. Last night we had some rain and more is forecast for Friday. The fires that threatened us here at Goose Lake are not a problem right now. Things have also settled down by Monroe and…
July 16, 2021
Today, we portaged over to Nechigona Lake and hauled the boats down from winter storage (in the bush). We anchored two boats out in the channel, inverted one boat in the water near shore and pushed the ramp well out so they would not get damaged by fire.
July 10, 2021
If Covid and the border wasn’t enough, we are now having serious problems with forest fires. We have fires to the north, east and west. We are not threatened yet but we have serious smoke every day. If the winds are light we have smoke but the fires don’t move much. If we…
July 1, 2021
Well James Robinson came close enough when he thought the yellow barrel was a marker for Gas Can Rock. It will actually be filled with water and mounted on the rock in the middle of the lake that normally has a small yellow marker. This barrel should be visible from most of…
June 27, 2021
A perfect day today. It will be a little warm this afternoon but still OK. As you can see the water level is about normal with the floating dock even with the fixed dock
June 25, 2021
A view of the service building. In the center of the photo is a large yellow barrel. This is actually a 55 gallon drum. Can you guess what the yellow barrel is for? First person to email with the correct answer gets a free shirt in 2022.
June 23, 2021
Louise has been very busy with the weed eater. It is a STIHL FS38. (a fantastic machine). As you can see she has cleared a spot in front where we can land a helicopter if necessary.
June 21, 2021
We started this spring with a water leak. We simply had to wait until a puddle formed at the surface to find it. Once located it was a simple task to make a repair