Category: 2020

  • December 30, 2020

    December 30, 2020

    The new year is just around the corner and we are looking forward to forgetting about 2020.  We all hope for a fishing season in 2021. Photo is the first group at Goose Lake in 2018.

  • November 3, 2020

    November 3, 2020

    The weather has warmed considerably. Our bay opened up and people are going fishing again. The afternoon temperatures are in the mid forties and the overnight temperatures are still above freezing.

  • October 24, 2020

    October 24, 2020

    Our season has come to an end. The small lakes and bays are starting to freeze over. Our airplane is out of the water waiting for winter maintenance. Thank you for sticking with us through these unprecedented and trying times.

  • October 11, 2020

    October 11, 2020

    The grass at Monroe Lake was knee high and the bush by the stairs that we normally cut to ground level each spring really took off this year.

  • October 10, 2020

    October 10, 2020

    Now that the Spruce and Jackpine trees no longer block the sunlight from getting to the ground at Unnamed Lake the underbrush has really taken off. On a positive note it looks like we will have plenty of firewood for the next 20 years.

  • October 9, 2020

    October 9, 2020

    Ryan and Bill made a trip to our landing at Stormer Lake to retrieve a 500 gallon fuel tank.

  • October 8, 2020

    October 8, 2020

    Ryan and Bill flew to Goose Lake to pick up some tools and do a last of season camp check.  

  • September 30, 2020

    September 30, 2020

    We closed down camp and flew to town on Monday. Ryan left the next day for the annual fall fishing trip with his friend Steve. They drove to Marathon on the shore of Lake Superior. The fishing report for the first day was 16 Salmon, 7 Splake, 7 Lakers and 1…

  • September 26, 2020

    September 26, 2020

    Ryan and Eliza were joined by Pat and Trish for a short moose hunt trip. Ryan and Pat got this young bull at first light this morning. Ryan did the calling and Pat did the shooting then we all braved the black flies to haul the moose out to the…

  • September 20, 2020

    September 20, 2020

    Ryan, Eliza, and Louise went fishing at the Honey Hole and caught this nice 24 inch walleye.