Category: 2018
May 27, 2018
Poirier Lake is ready for Bob and Howard arriving on Friday. Goose Lake is ready for the guests arriving on Wednesday morning.
May 24, 2018
Our new reef markers work very well. They are easy to install and remove. They are also very visible from a distance.
May 20, 2018
Even warmer today. We worked most of the day getting Monroe Lake ready for the first guests. Both portages are quite dry. It looks like several moose spent the winter living around the portage to West Lake.
May 19, 2018
Warm and sunny today. We spent the day getting Unnamed Lake ready for the first guests. Ryan spotted a cow moose with twin calves close to the cabin. The calves appeared to be less than a week old.
May 18, 2018
The ice is all gone for us. The bush was very dry and the water level at Goose Lake was a bit low. Fortunately, we are getting a good soaking of rain today so the fire hazard should drop and the water level should rise. The ducks in our bay are loving…
May 12, 2018
Ryan and Bill made it to Goose Lake today to move the floating dock over and check for any surprises. No surprise, they had to move snow to get off the dock.
May 10, 2018
The ice is almost all gone. The last of the ice is close to town. This shot of Howey bay is from the hill behind Superior Airways (the old Green Airways base). Several people have called because they could not get through to the Norseman Inn. We checked today and the…