Author: Loon Haunt Outposts
May 22, 2016
An all day trip to Whitelaw. Cleared out the portage, repaired the dock and cut firewood. The big blow down a couple of years ago assures us of plenty of firewood. We had to stop cutting firewood as we disturbed a grouse that was nesting under a Jackpine deadfall.
May 20, 2016
Today was a great day to position the reef markers. Warm weather and light winds. As in the past, we took our annual photo of Woman Falls.
May 18, 2016
The warm sunny weather is back. Yesterday, we worked at Unnamed Lake getting the cabin and boats ready, installing the reef markers and cutting the trees that fell on the portage over the winter. Today, we have moved to camp. The water system is up and running while he telephone and internet…
May 15, 2016
We finished getting Monroe Lake ready while the nice weather held. We left Monroe on Thursday afternoon just as the rain started. We did not pump any water into the cabin plumbing as freezing weather was forecast for the next several days. The nice weather will return on Tuesday. Unnamed Lake is…
May 9, 2016
We visited all locations yesterday. No surprises and we moved the Poirier Lake dock into position. For all the people who put up with the Monroe Lake dock being awash in the past, thank you, the dock is now finished and you will be high and dry. The water level is…
May 7, 2016
A load of lumber to Monroe Lake. The ice has been sinking the dock at Monroe a little each winter and we have built a dock on top of the old dock about 10 inches higher. The project is about halfway done.
May 5, 2016
The ice is gone. First trip to Goose Lake today. Hauled a load in, put a boat in the water, and retrieved the floating dock from the river. High temperature for today 86 and the water level is just right.
May 2, 2016
The photo at right shows our bay at 8 AM this morning. Yesterday, the bay was almost completely ice covered. Warm weather and sunshine for the rest of the week should have us getting outposts ready by next week.
April 15, 2016
The weather has warmed considerably. The fresh snow has melted and it is warm during the day and still above freezing at night. Our annual mid April photo at right shows standing water on the ice. There is at least two feet of solid ice. Our airplane is still sitting on the ice.