Author: Loon Haunt Outposts

  • April 4, 2017

    April 4, 2017

    The weather in Red Lake has been quite warm and the snow is melting. Ryan has been taking advantage of the nice weather with fishing and helping his friend Brett haul fuel. If this weather holds we should have a very early breakup.

  • January 13, 2017

    January 13, 2017

    Ryan is attending the All Canada sport show at Pheasant Run in Chicago. He will be in Green Bay next weekend. 

  • December 10, 2016

    December 10, 2016

    At 8 this morning the temperature was 20 below. Howey bay is now definitely frozen. The photo was taken from the road up behind Green Airways, looking east.

  • December 5, 2016

    December 5, 2016

    Howey Bay is still open water. The photo is our airplane in a line of seven airplanes stored for the winter at Howey Bay Camps.

  • November 24, 2016

    November 24, 2016

    Happy Thanksgiving. We hope you are spending this time with family and friends. The photo is our bay this morning. The temperature is just barely below freezing and the water in the bay is not warm enough to melt the snow that falls into it.

  • November 5, 2016

    November 5, 2016

    We have been away visiting family in British Columbia. On our return, we found the Tamaracks had lost their needles and there were two big trees down in the parking area by the dock. No damage but it took us all morning to cut up the trees and haul them away.

  • October 15, 2016

    October 15, 2016

    We have now been in town for a couple of weeks. The airplane is at Red Lake Seaplane Service for maintenance and storage. This picture illustrates that all the coniferous trees in our yard are not all evergreens. The two trees in front of the dock are Tamaracks–their needles turn yellow in October,…

  • October 2, 2016

    October 2, 2016

    The season is over and we flew to town this afternoon. The cabins are all painted and the firewood is cut and split. Thank you very much to all who chose to vacation with us in 2016. We know you have choices and we appreciate that you chose us.

  • September 24, 2016

    September 24, 2016

    We have been busy. Louise has been painting all the buildings at Goose Lake from top to bottom. Ryan Scott (more below) has the firewood is all cut and split for next season. The boats at Unnamed Lake have been welded and the wood stoves at Unnamed and Monroe have new plates welded…

  • September 11, 2016

    September 11, 2016

    Unnamed Lake is shut down. Warm today, high of 68, with winds from the south. A great day to finish collecting the reef markers. The white markers at the honey hole were both stuck in the rocks so we left them in place. The cranes and geese have been passing by, for a couple…