Author: Loon Haunt Outposts
June 30, 2017
Don Fleming started fishing with us more than 20 years ago. Don now fishes from the other shore but his family continues to fish here at Goose Lake and remember a great father, husband and grandfather.
June 27, 2017
Ryan, Brett, and Bill flew to Selkirk Manitoba today to retrieve Brett’s recently purchased Cessna 180. Bill found it an interesting experience riding in the back seat of our airplane.
June 24, 2017
Nice shot of the boats in for the evening. Today, the big northern were terrorizing the fishermen at the Honey Hole. They grab the small fish as they are being reeled in. Several fishermen have had the big ones on but could not get them to the boat.
June 22, 2017
It looks like Gary is leading in the northern pool at 35 inches and also in the walleye pool with this chunky 28.5 incher caught at the Honey Hole. Outpost checks yesterday revealed a 28.5 inch walleye at Monroe Lake this week.
June 21, 2017
At Loon Haunt no one runs out of beer–except the one guy who constantly spills his beer in the boat.